Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sun exposure - Imprortant facts

True or false: Sun avoidance and regular application of sunscreen are necessary for good health

While this is a common statement that many believe to be true it needs additional clarification. It's definitely true that excessive sun exposure is risky and should be avoided. However, consider these important facts:
  • modern research indicates that sufficient sun exposure during appropriate times of the day without applying sunscreen is required for the biosynthesis of vitamin D
  • the same research shows that vitamin D is necessary for prevention of osteoporosis, diabetes and many other diseases
  • the availability of vitamin D from dietary sources is limited, therefore you are much better off getting it from the sun
So how do you sunbath appropriately to get the best results while avoiding overexposure? The answer will depend on your skin type, work and leisure activities, health, and other conditions.

Here are some general guidelines though which will help:

  • sunbathing for up to 15 minutes per day, away from the water, up to 11am and after 5pm is generally safe
  • make sure you spend roughly the same time sunbathing on your back and on your stomach
  • slowly build up your sunbathing time up to approximately 30 minutes in total
These are general recommendations only. As stated earlier the asnwer depends on your skin type, health and other factors. Discuss this further with our team at Health Point Physiotherapy.


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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mineral baths (balneotherapy)

Mineral spas are not only extremely relaxing and enjoyable. they can also play an important role in your health and wellbeing, from health maintenance to treatment and recovery.

People have travelled long distances and at great expense to enjoy the many benefits of mineral spas. Now this time tested treatment is available at Health Point Physiotherapy.

Mineral baths can be beneficial as a stand-alone remedy, but generally they should be used as part of a holistic treatment program for:

  • acute or chronic skin conditions - e.g. dermatitis, psoriasis
  • back, neck and joint pain
  • osteoarhritis and rheumatoid arthrotis
  • varicose veins and circulatory disorders like hypertension
  • women's health - e.g. pelvic inflammatory disease
  • fibromyalgia
  • gastritis, colitis and other problems associated with the gut
  • insomnia
  • combating stress and depression

What are the benefits?

  • helping to reduce pain and inflammation
  • speeding up the recovery process
  • weight loss and weight maintenance
  • health maintenance and disease prevention
  • anti-ageing

How does it work?

  • by improving blood circulation and the delivery of oxygen to your organs and tissues, thus speeding up the healing process
  • helping to rid the body of toxins
  • lifting the metabolic rate to burn energy and fat
  • improving antioxidant status to enhance anti-ageing processes