Sunday, November 30, 2014

Health Point Physiotherapy - Physio Close To Home

Located in Brighton East near the intersection of North and Hawthorn Road Health Point physiotherapy has been steadily growing in numbers, going from strength to strength.
Since its’ inception over five years ago clients have been coming from as far as Hoppers Crossing and Olinda for the specialised treatments that Health Point has to offer. Luckily for those who live in the nearby surrounding suburbs of Brighton, Bentleigh, Mckinnon and Ormond, friendly health advice and specialised treatments are just a short walk, bike ride or drive away.

Health Point Physiotherapy is a boutique clinic staffed by locals to the area. We know health is important to you. We know one of the most appealing factors of this area is that we are so close to excellent parks, beaches, sporting grounds, swimming pools, walking tracks and bike paths.  Numerous gyms, workout studios and fitness classes are buzzing all year round with our efforts to maintain a healthy routine. Unfortunately sometimes this routine may be disrupted by an unexpected injury.

When this happens why not put your health in the hands of a trusted local?

What’s so different about Health Point compared to other local physiotherapy practices?

Like many practices our physiotherapists are professionals in manual therapies including joint mobilisations, taping, massage, the Mckenzie method, trigger point therapy and traction.

Unlike most practices we also specialise in electrotherapy treatments such as ultrasound, interferential current and SCENAR therapy (previously only used in Europe).
Another point of difference at Health Point is our balneotherapy sessions and our popular Clinical Pilates Program which includes free reassessments at the 7 and 13 week mark and further free reassessments as long as you are attending sessions.

Our Clinical Pilates Program is very specialised and with the right amount of dedication has proven results. 

Whether you’re looking to add to a healthy routine, get back into an old one or start a new one Health Point Physiotherapy can help. With good honest advice to get you on track we are locals you can trust. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Corporate Health and Health Point Physiotherapy

Dear Friends of Health Point! Share this with your managers at work or, if you are a manager yourself, you'll find this information especially useful.      

Sick of workplace injuries?

Injuries can affect work productivity and can carry other costs including medical expenses, replacement of staff and increased health insurance to name a few.

Causes of common workplace injuries can include improper manual handling or lifting techniques, poor posture or incorrect workplace set up.

At Health Point Physiotherapy we are aware that people’s lives are becoming increasingly busy and as such they may not be able to drive to information sessions or dedicate the time needed to educate themselves on effective injury prevention techniques.

Alternatively as a manager you may be struggling to find the time, place or person to help educate your staff on the key points of injury prevention.

Health Point Physiotherapy can help!

We have designed a program which can be altered to suit your workplace’s individual needs.

Over two short, interactive seminars held at your very own workplace employees gain valuable insight into practical changes they can make both at home and in the workplace to decrease their risk of injury.

Run by trained physiotherapists we encourage questions, include practical components and are able to offer full body assessments and even complementary follow up visits as needed.

We also offer Clinical Pilates classes which will be run by us at your workplace as well as a shorter version of the full body assessment most of you had with us.

For further information or to discuss your specific requirements please do not hesitate to email or call us.

Health Point Physiotherapy
619 Hawthorn Rd, Brighton East 3187
Phone: 9576-9233
Fax: 9576-9277